song keeper

Sing Your Water Songs

I’ve been taught that women+ everywhere are supposed to pick up their Water Songs and sing to the waters to heal the earth and humanity. In an attempt to make this call from the Elders easier… I’ve written a giveaway Water Song so the Lifegivers everywhere can sing their songs. That means this song has been given to you.

You may not know your people’s water songs or you feel like you don’t have one.

Sing this one. You are welcome.

Just sing with a prayerful heart. Please sing this song and if you desire, translate it into your own language.

You can sing this song to a glass of water (renew.)

You can sing this song to honour a person who may be drowning in sorrow (retreat.)

You can sing this to a dry river bed that hasn’t seen water for several seasons (return.)

You can sing this song to a place where flooding is happening (retreat.)

You can sing this to an ocean full of plastic (renew.)

Just sing it!

Here are the lyrics in English:

“May the waters of me…. Hiy hiy

Sing for the waters of you. Hiy hiy

I offer this prayer and this honouring song.

So the waters right here “retreat” (or “renew” or “return.”)

Retreat. Retreat. Retreat. Retreat. So the waters right here retreat.

To download Water Prayer Song or listen to various translations, please go to:

Water Prayer Song written by Andrea Menard, 2021

Is Your Music Hurting or Serving You?

Many songwriters and makers of music have been evolving and taking responsibility for their creations. Today, however, I want to talk to the listeners of music.

If you are a listener of music, this message is for you.

We live in a pretty loud world. Sound stimulates and bombards us everywhere we go: TVs, construction noise, lawnmowers, neighbours yelling, and music. Music. Everywhere we turn, someone else's choice of music is being broadcast to our ears. You may say that all that sound just blends into the background of white noise, but if it is so benign and doesn't really have an affect, then why do you walk away singing a song that you didn't even know you heard. Why are you humming a tv commercial jingle that you hate?

I am a Music Messenger

I am a Music Messenger

I am coining the term “Music Messenger” because I’ve discovered a profound change occurring in the hearts of a particular kind of musician.

We are birthing a spiritual movement that manifests as a deep commitment to serve humanity. Our songs are like prayers and we want to elevate our words, our subjects and our songs to a high calibre for the benefit of others.